Friday 23 August 2024
I have been in a bit of a slump lately & haven't really been tagging that much.
Although yesterday I wrote out a simple Tutorial which you can find on my Tut Blog.
Just click on the link at the top- Enchanted Obsessions & it will take you to it.
I would love to see your creations  ☺ 

Back to today.  I was feeling like I wanted to do a manipulation,
 I used to make lots of these way back when you could use celeb images to make them & collages.
As I was browsing for AI Gen Images (which in my eyes should always be FTU) I came across A Dutch site  Here Her name is Karin & she has 12 pages of AIGen art to choose from.
I came across some Beautiful serene Images & Backgrounds.
And this is what I came up with, Very pleased with myself as I'm a bit rusty at Manipulations.
Please don't take or share it, It took me a long time to create. 
Thank you so much for looking, Hugs Rachey ♥
Click to Enlarge!


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